Concurrent Enrollment Pathways
Students enrolled in Concurrent Enrollment are dually enrolled at Pueblo Community College and their home high school. Students gain all the rights and privileges afforded a PCC student as well as the ability to fully participate in sports, activities, and events at their home school.
Full-time Concurrent Enrollment Students
Full-time college
Available at all partnering school districts
Degree completion emphasis
Associate of Arts (AA)
Associate of Science (AS)
Associate of General Studies (AGS)
Enroll in a minimum of 12 credits per semester.
School district pays all tuition.
Books and fees are dependent on the school district.
Part-time Transfer Program
Start Here, Transfer Anywhere! Take your credits to any public 4-year college or university in Colorado!
Available at all partnering school districts.
Academic course emphasis
2 courses up to 10 credits per semester
College and high school credits dually-awarded
School district pays for all tuition.
Books and fees are dependent on the school district.
Part-time Career & Technical Education
CTE provides students with real-world skills that they need to enter the workforce and start a career!
Available at all partnering school districts.
Vocational and technical course emphasis
2 courses up to 10 credits per semester
College and high school credits dually-awarded
School district pays for tuition.
Books and fees are dependent on high school.